Purpose for Memes for Me

This blog is my creative release and I hope to meet many new bloggers. It will be devoted to all the fun and thought provoking daily or weekly events in blog land that interest me at any given time. I will add a running list of many of these events in my sidebar, and will frequent them often, but continue to look for additional fun things to do in blog land. Please also visit my other blogs devoted to my love of dishes and Christmas.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Favorite Kids Photos Blog Hop

This week's "Blog Hop" theme is "Your Favorite Kid Photo". I have been so busy with CIJ that I forgot about this until a few minutes ago. So, I haven't given this much thought and just grabbed for a couple of photos that I thought of off the top of my head. Jadehollow is hosting this great event and I didn't want to miss out on Favorite Kid's Photos.

This photo is of my DD Tracie last month when she went to see George Strait at the new Cowboy Stadium in Arlington with a group of girls. They were leaving the parking lot and drove by a rather cute guy in a cowboy hat and Tracie hollared, "I want your hat!" They were moving at a snail's pace and were all leaning out the windows. He came over and gave her this hat. It looked like he had just bought it and he told her that he wanted her to keep it. I bet by morning he was wondering what he did with the hat!


  1. Great photo! Funny story!!
    Heather-blog hoppin

  2. Hi, I’m just hopping around. I have enjoyed your blog. Thanks for sharing.
